Monday, October 10, 2011

Master of Online Education

It's a sad world we live in where anyone who coughs up enough cash--and especially those who cough up other people's cash--can get a Masters in Useless Whatever on the internet and then get the same jobs as the rest of us non-Masters folk and expect to be paid more since they are "Masters" after all. Or if they still can't get a job with that degree, then they decide to teach Useless Whatever to the next generation of suckers that decide they need a Masters in Useless Whatever too.

If your Master's Degree from [insert name of city in Arizona] won't land you a job where you can make money then you just paid tens of thousands of dollars for a free subscription to the knowledge available on Wikipedia. A good way to evaluate whether or not your Master's Degree is worth anything is to ask yourself, "how many of my classes can I pass while sitting on the toilet?" If your answer is any of your classes, then you are one of the people who is ruining America and Higher Education. Thank you toilet University guy! Have an extra $10,000 per year to compensate you for your deeper level of experience on the toilet.


  1. The killer is that as long as people will continue to pay for this medium of education, it will continue to exist in the world. A very important part of a college degree--graduate or undergraduate--is the socialization by professional peers. If ALL of your courses are taken on line, there is a STRONG lack of that socialization.

  2. So this what you were doing every morning on the mission when you were in the bathroom for like a half hour...

  3. Haha Reid. I had enough time to get 3 online Masters Degrees if we're counting total time spent on the toilet in Slovakia. Or a Masters Degree, PhD and write a book.
